Best and Free Meditation apps in 2023

In this daily fast paced life we need something that would calm us down, take our stress away and put us to a good sleep. In this article I am going to tell you about 4 best and free meditation apps, 3 of the meditation apps on this list are completely free. I have tested these meditation apps for over a month so that you can make an informed decision to choose the best meditation app that suits your needs.

1. Medito – Free Meditation app

Medito is the best and free meditation app in my opinion. I have been using this app for quite sometime now and found it to be the most versatile app till now, and the best part is that this app is free. Android users download from here, for iOS users you can download from app store.

Features of Medito App

i) Streak Feature

You can see streak feature on front screen of the app which gives users the motivation of keep their streak and less chance of lapse.

ii) Packs for every Mood

Medito Meditation app offers different packs for every mood like Body Scan, compassion, gratitude, low mood etc. I found this feature really useful.

iii) Completely Free

Medito offers free meditation guide and this is the best part. Even though it is free but the features it offers for free is just amazing and this is the best app in this list in my opinion

2. Heartfulness: Multilanguage app for Daily Meditation

This is a Multilanguage app if you find it hard to concentrate to the sounds in hindi. Heartfulness is also free just like every app on this list*.

iOS users – Download here , for android users

Here are some of the key features of heartfulness app-

Heartfulness multilanguage meditation app

Features of Heartfulness

i) Live Trainer

You can meditate with a trainer if you need initial guidance on meditating just by click of a button “meditate with a trainer”

ii) Multi Language

This Meditation app is a multi language app which makes it easy for the users who don’t understand English.

iii) Setting Goals

You can start a specific goal which suits you the best and gradually improving the set goals which gives you the feeling of achieving something to give you the dopamine boost.

3. Balance: Sleep and Meditation

With playstore rating of 4.7 and 1 Million plus downloads this app is one of the best in the category of meditation and self improvement apps. Balance was google’s app of the year as well. This app has variety of features to choose from. Balance meditation app is offering one year of subscription for free.

Playstore link, app-store link

Balance app features

i) Mind exercises Packs

Just like Medito this app has various packs to choose from and you can also do those exercises as couples, you can connect with a partner to do this mind exercise

ii) Sleep Tab

Balance Meditation App has special tab for sleeping alone and this is a really feature with a lot to choose from, from narrating stories of journeys etc this is a good feature to induce sleep.

One year Free

This has many features to choose and first year is free so you can try this app as well.

4. ATOM : Free Meditation app for Beginners

A completely free meditation app which is completely designed for beginners. This meditation app has many features including anchor habit, daily meditation sessions, motivating the users and best thing is that this meditation app is completely free. Playstore link. This app isn’t available for iOS users.

ATOM app features

i) Beginner Friendly

Atom app is the best for beginners in my opinion. It has the feature of picking an anchor habit to built your meditation schedule around that habit and the meditation sessions are short on this atom meditation app which is why this best for beginners

ii) Motivating

The more you meditate the more trees will grow, this becomes a motivating factor for the beginners who are just starting out.

iii) Free

Atom is a free meditation app, if you like what they do, you can support them by donating them.


These 4 apps are one of the versatile apps i found on playstore. Yes I have tried calm and headspace but they are too costly for the features they provide. My prefered app would be Medito for overall experience, Atom for beginners and best thing is you can try all of these 4 apps to mix and match features and get the best possible experience of meditation in my opinion. Some features are similar but the way of executing them is different and this is why you should try these apps and select the best meditation app according to your personality.

I have written article on using AI tools for productivity as well, here is the link if you are interested

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