Image Credits: Unsplash
AIRPM FOR CHATGPT : This extension will help you write the content without needing you to prompt again and again. Give a small description and your article will be ready.
Image credits: Pixabay
CHATGPT for Google : This extension shows answers for the queries you entered in the search box of google.
Image Credits: Unsplash
CHATGPT extension for Youtube : This will summarise videos from your favorite creators for you.
Image Credits: Unsplash
CHATGPT extension for Web : Extension name is webchatGPT This will enable chatGPT to access the internet and bring fresh results for your queries.
Image Credits: Unsplash
CHATGPT replying emails : Extension name is ChatGPT writer This will enable chatGPT to access the internet and bring fresh results for your queries.
Image Credits: Unsplash
I have written an extensive article about these extensions on my blog with links to them. If you want to read you can visit from the link below